Our style & approach
De Vroedt & Thierry Executive Search & Leadership Consultancy supports clients in a professional, efficient and effective manner, with an eye for quality, creativity and new developments.
Products & services
We assist our clientele in finding future proof talent and enabling them to adapt to the new status quo. If desired, we can also teach clients how to select future proof (agile) talent themselves.
We follow developments closely, regularly publish about leadership (in the digital world), top talent and diversity, and share our insights through interviews, articles and columns.
De Vroedt & Thierry is part of Cornerstone International Group (CIG), a global network of high-quality leadership consultancy & retained executive search consultants with 52 offices in 37 countries.
Executive search & leadership consultancy
The world is changing rapidly and technological developments are advancing swiftly. This not only has an impact on the business operations of our customers, but also on our own products and services in the field of executive search & leadership consultancy. At De Vroedt & Thierry we follow developments closely and thus are capable of reinventing ourselves. Through the books and columns that we publish, we inform our clients of new tools that help improve the prediction of candidates’ future success in a specific context.
Naturally, we also implement these new working methods in our own products and services. When selecting the most suitable candidates, we not only look at past experience, but also at learning agility and adaptability through reliable and validated tools. Our partners and consultants would be pleased to tell you more in a personal conversation.
Executive search & leadership consultancy
The world is changing rapidly and technological developments are advancing swiftly. This not only has an impact on the business operations of our customers, but also on our own products and services in the field of executive search & leadership consultancy. At De Vroedt & Thierry we follow developments closely and thus are capable of reinventing ourselves. Through the books and columns that we publish, we inform our clients of new tools that help improve the prediction of candidates’ future success in a specific context.
Naturally, we also implement these new working methods in our own products and services. When selecting the most suitable candidates, we not only look at past experience, but also at learning agility and adaptability through reliable and validated tools. Our partners and consultants would be pleased to tell you more in a personal conversation.
Specific sector expertise
in executive search
in executive search
Although our firm originally comes from a generalist background in the top segment of executive search, we have increasingly specialised over the most recent years. Our firm’s practice leaders intensively study the challenges that arise in their relevant sectors. They are aware of the insight reports of leading consulting firms and also regularly conduct client surveys. Thereby constantly updating their knowledge. With the overall aim of assisting clients in their specific industry and helping them face the challenges of today and the future.
Executive search – beyond just
‘the usual suspects’
‘the usual suspects’
Our office has extensive experience in creating complementary teams. We believe that diverse teams look at themes from different angles and thus come up with better founded solutions. Moreover, we believe that all talents deserve a chance to enter the top of the corporate pyramid and the public domain. In accordance with our 2010 book (‘Diversity as a Challenge’, only available in Dutch), this argues for a broad diversity approach that is partly based on, but not limited to, gender diversity. We believe that the very best talent not only deserves a place in the boardroom and supervisory boards, but that the preconditions must also be created in order for talents to be themselves.
The difference between ‘static diversity’ (diverse on the outside, not in attitude) and ‘dynamic diversity’ (real diversity, whereby people can also be themselves) is immense and all-determining. That is why diversity and inclusion are inextricably linked. Although we were one of the very first signatories of the ‘Talent to the Top’ charter, and our longlists consist of an average of 50% women, we continue to further develop this. Our partners and consultants would be pleased to discuss with you our approach in this area.
Executive search – selecting
agile talent yourself
agile talent yourself
At De Vroedt & Thierry we strive for partnership with our customers. Through our executive search services, we can select the best future proof or agile talent for you. However, we can also teach you how to do this yourself and how to teach senior management or the management within your own organization to attract the best future proof talent in a scientifically validated and reliable manner. This can be done through a customised program with in-house training or by participating in our guest lectures. Our partners and consultants would be pleased to tell you more about our approach in this area.
De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Mob: +31 (0)6 29 15 43 86
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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