Learning Agility Scan
Learning Agility Scan
Learning Agility Scan as an indicator of being future proof
If desired, we can use the Learning Agility Scan to gain further insight into how future proof a candidate is. People who achieve a higher score on the Learning Agility Scan learn more from new situations and are able to translate these into the future. The scan provides insight into agility in terms of of behaviour, ability and ambition and shows how and to what extent the agility of candidates/employees can be increased. Moreover, learning agility appears to be a good predictor of high potentials.
Five dimensions of Learning Agility
HFMtalentindex distinguishes five dimensions for Learning Agility:
- Change Agility
Curious, likes to experiment and try out new things. People with high change agility tend to be passionate about new experiences, and keen to explore the unknown. - Mental Agility
Analytical, complexity, new ideas. People with high mental agility are frequently provoked by new ideas, relishing the opportunity to think outside the box. They are more adapt at discerning patterns in new circumstances than others are. - People Agility
People who score high on people agility are constructive toward others, eager to gain in-depth knowledge of others, and can easily adapt to different surroundings or cultures. - Results Agility
People with high results agility are generally driven by a need to achieve. Often confident and ambitious, they can usually handle stressful situations well. - Self-awareness
People who score high on self-awareness know themselves well, are self-critical and open to self-improvement. Self-awareness has a strong influence on the previous four dimensions mentioned. A high level of self-awareness can work as leverage for the other aspects of learning agility, whereas a low level might have the opposite effect.
More information about the Learning Agility Scan and attracting future proof executives? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.
More information about the Learning Agility Scan and attracting future proof executives? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.
‘Snapshot’ at team level
The Learning Agility Scan is also suitable for taking a ‘snapshot’ of your current management team to see to what extent they are able to successfully meet future challenges.
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