Executive coaching

Executive coaching


Executive coaching to increase
self-awareness and thus leadership

Learning ability and self-reflection are important factors for future proof leaders. To increase self-awareness and personal and professional leadership, De Vroedt & Thierry has a carefully built network of experienced executive coaches. These coaches can keep leaders sharp, act as a sounding board about current or future situations, and pay specific attention to the person, the role that is fulfilled, as well as the context and the organisation in which the executive operates.

  • 'Find a context where you feel partly on familiar ground, yet also completely in the dark. In other words, it must contain unknown, new elements, so that you end up outside your comfort zone.'

    Hans Wijers – former minister and former CEO of Akzo Nobel (Source: 'How do you become CEO?', Ralf Knegtmans)

Essential sounding board

In our view, executive coaching is an indispensable part of building a competitive leadership team. Leaders today are expected to act as role models, inspire, make decisions and express their views on difficult issues and possible solutions. They often experience significant pressure to perform. An executive coach can serve as a sounding board, a safe haven, with as ultimate goal, as leadership consultant, executive coach and author Mary Beth O’Neill describes it, ‘helping leaders work through their dilemmas so they can transform their learning directly into results for the organisation.’

Return on executive coaching

According to a study by PwC, companies that have used professional coaching for business reasons have seen an average return of seven times that of their original investment. And, as stated by Forbes, executive coaching can have the following advantages:

  • Jezelf helderder zien
  • Anderen helderder zien
  • Nieuwe manieren van reageren leren
  • Je sterke punten beter gebruiken
  • Meer productieve relaties opbouwen
  • Bereiken wat je wilt
  • See yourself more clearly
  • See others more clearly
  • Learn new ways to respond
  • Leverage your existing strengths
  • Build more productive relationships
  • Achieve what you want

Possible questions for
executive coaching

Which themes are discussed in executive coaching? Yvonne Burger (independent consultant, executive coach and professor ‘Organisational Culture, Communication and Leadership’ at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam) conducted research into issues that present themselves at the top. In her book ‘Mirror at the top’ she highlights the following themes:

  • Power theme (strategic and managerial questions as well as power and influence)
  • Onboarding theme (growing into your role, but also how to deal with power, criticism and standing alone)
  • Authenticity theme (remaining authentic in your role)
  • Personal effectiveness theme (your own behaviour and what may work against you)
  • Work-life balance
  • Off boarding theme (new career step or wanting to leave something behind on departure)
  • Learning, earning, returning theme (wanting to give something back to society)
  • But especially also developing self-insight and adaptability, and (learning to) listen to your feelings and intuition.

More information about executive coaching? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.

More information about executive coaching? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.


De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl

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De Boelelaan 32
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The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
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Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl


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