Executive assessments

Executive assessments


Executive assessment as a
selection assessment

Increasing the chance of a candidate’s future success in a specific context, and making that measurable and objectifiable, is an important aspect of De Vroedt & Thierry’s search process. If you want to additionally verify the findings from the selection process, it is recommended to use an executive assessment. The emphasis is largely on gaining insight into the style of leadership, personal effectiveness, organisational sensitivity and the candidate’s ability to develop and execute a strategy. The most commonly used tools for this are validated personality questionnaires and motivation tests, intelligence tests, in-depth interviews and practical simulations. The assessment program is determined based on the specific question or questions about the candidate.

  • 'We test everything with recently graduated academics, but we are less inclined to do so for people who are active in the (absolute) top of businesses. When I mention that in my view every candidate for a CEO position should undergo a psychological test, I am still often looked at strangely.'

    Prof. Dr. Kees Cools (Source: 'How do you become CEO?', Ralf Knegtmans)

Executive assessment as a
development assessment

The executive assessment can also be used as a development assessment. It helps gain additional insight into the candidate’s development potential and career opportunities. Just as with the selection assessment, personality questionnaires, motivation questionnaires, intelligence tests, in-depth interviews and practical simulations (for example a role-playing game in which communication skills are observed) can be used.

Trusted partners

We work together with a number of leading partners in the field of executive assessments and, taking into account your specific wishes, can make the right match.

More information about executive assessments and what we can do for your organisation? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.

More information about executive assessments and what we can do for your organisation? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.


De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl

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De Boelelaan 32
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The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
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Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl


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