In-house training in selecting agile talent

In-house training in selecting agile talent


How do you identify, select and retain future proof (agile) talent?

Instead of hiring us for executive searches, through in-house training we can also teach you how to identify and select future proof or agile talent in a reliable, valid and less subjective way. As an executive search firm, De Vroedt & Thierry is known for the innovative way of looking at talent. Knowledge quickly ages under the influence of technological developments and digitalisation. This not only has an impact on companies, but also on the people who work there. Their IQ, experience and knowledge are not trivial, but insufficient for the world of tomorrow. Learning agility and adaptability are essential in guaranteeing survival and with agile talent (future proof and agile) companies can respond to the rapidly changing environment and face the challenges of the future.

  • '70% of today's high performers lack critical attributes essential to their success in future roles.'

    Jean Martin and Conrad Schmidt, Harvard Business Review

Expertise in identifying
and selecting agile talent

As an executive search & leadership consultancy firm, De Vroedt & Thierry has up-to-date expertise in identifying and selecting agile talent and knows how to better validate and objectify the selection process. We can also advise you on the selection criteria of the future, which on the basis of scientific research, have a greater predictive value of success.You can read about this further in our books, including ‘Agile Talent – Nine Essentials Steps for Selecting Tomorrow’s Top Talent’, our columns and publications. We regularly provide training, for example at Harvard Business Review, Nyenrode Commissonairship Cycle and TIAS Business School.

Questions we can answer

We can share our knowledge with you to optimise the selection process in your organisation. Some of the questions our customers face in this area are:

  • Wat zijn de selectiecriteria voor toekomstbestendig talent, waarmee de bedrijfsdoelstellingen van morgen behaald kunnen worden?
  • Hoe kan ik agile talent binnen mijn bedrijf herkennen? Is het mogelijk om dit soort talenten beter aan mijn organisatie te binden?
  • Zijn er casestudies van bedrijven die voorlopen op dit terrein, waar wij als organisatie iets van kunnen leren?
  • Hoe zorg ik voor selecties die valide, betrouwbaar en objectiever zijn? Hoe leer ik mijn managers beter selecteren?
  • Hoe kan ik mijn selectieprocedure voor toekomstig talent zo inrichten, dat ik minder afhankelijk ben van externe consultants?
  • What are the selection criteria for future proof talent with which the business objectives of tomorrow can be achieved?
  • How can I recognise agile talent within my company? Is it possible to better connect these kinds of talents better to my organisation?
  • Are there case studies of companies that are ahead in this field, from which we as an organisation can learn?
  • How do I make selections that are valid, reliable and more objective? How do I learn to select my managers better?
  • How can I organise my selection procedure for future talent in such a way that I am less dependent on external consultants?

Learning Agility Scan

De Vroedt & Thierry partners and consultants can help you with a Learning Agility Scan. This tool maps out whether your management is future proof and equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow and the day after. Do you have a clear picture of your current workforce in this area?

More information about the In-house training in selecting agile talent? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.

More information about the In-house training in selecting agile talent? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.

Further reading


De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627

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