Learning agility (LQ) and adaptability (AQ)
Leervermogen (LQ) en aanpassingsvermogen (AQ)

Important predictors of
future success
What makes De Vroedt & Thierry stand out among other things, is that we pay extensive attention to candidates’ learning ability and adaptability during the search process. Learning ability (‘Learning Agility’, abbreviated LQ) and adaptability (also known as AQ or Adaptability Quotient) are two of the most important predictors of future success in the new world, a world in which the speed of knowledge acquisition is becoming more important than knowledge in itself.

Learning Agility (LQ)
John Sullivan, an internationally renowned Silicon Valley HR leader, says that learning agility has become the ultimate distinguishing characteristic for the rapidly-evolving business world. And according to Laszlo Bock, former Senior Vice President of People Operations Google, Google views learning agility as the leading predictor of success in the future, well above factors like intelligence and education.
Learning agility is a mental trait whereby a person is willing and able to learn from new experiences and then apply this knowledge in situations that are often unforeseen and challenging. Unlearning, or the ability to let go of familiar opinions and ways of working, is a key dimension of learning ability.
High learning agility is scarce
No more than 15 percent of employees have strongly developed learning agility (Kenneth De Meuse, Korn Ferry Institute) and no more than 30 percent of current high performers have the required potential to excel in a higher position (The Corporate Leadership Council). It is therefore useful to involve learning agility in the focused interview, the reference checks and the test (Learning Agility Scan) or the assessment stage in the selection process.

(AQ or Adaptability Quotient)
(AQ or Adaptability Quotient)
Adaptability can be described as the ability to adapt and flourish in an environment that changes quickly. Harvard Business Review names AQ as ‘the new competitive advantage,’ while Fast Company magazine sees it as ‘the future of work.’ Adaptability is therefore a factor that is included in the selection process during the focused interview, the reference check and the assessment.
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We would be pleased to discuss with you how we work and what our expertise can mean for your organisation in a personal and confidential conversation.
Further reading

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