Flexible labour
Flexible labour

Flexible labour
In recent years, the Dutch flex market has been a growth market. The number of companies in this market increased, in particular employment agencies and secondment companies. Important points of attention were topics such as the talent shortage, the increasing importance of data analytics and smart recruitment tech. Survival is a priority right now. Good leadership is now of paramount importance. We know the flex market inside and out and are able to measurably and substantively select the leader who fits this challenge.
Read here in detail about our style and approach.
Would you like more information about our specific sector expertise and what we can do for your organisation? We would be pleased to discuss this with you in a personal and confidential conversation.

De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
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Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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