Our style & approach
Our style & approach
Eagerness and drive to know more
De Vroedt & Thierry has an open, informal and transparent culture. Our partners and consultants are genuinely interested in the ambitions of your organisation and in the motivational needs of the talents in our network. This means that we intensively delve into both the client and the potential candidates: we continue to inquire and ask the question behind the question. We support clients in a professional, efficient and effective manner, with an eye for quality, creativity and new developments. Personal involvement defines the style of the partners, consultants and other employees of our firm.
Selection in 9 steps
As described in our book ‘Agile Talent, our entire search process consists of nine systematic steps in three stages: preparation, selection and verification.
Context scan
Context scan – Our vision is that executive search is not only about ‘sec’ the most talented candidate, but about talent in a specific context. Talent is not universal, but situational and strongly context dependent.
Focused interview
Candidates are selected by our firm using the focused or ‘criterion-based’ interviewing method. This method brings a degree of objectivity to the proceedings, which contributes to a greater predictability of a candidate’s future success.
Ability, Motivation, Identity
In our view, three factors should be involved in every selection of future proof top talent: ability, motivation and identity (skills, motivational needs and personality traits).
Learning agility (LQ) and
adaptability (AQ)
Learning ability (‘Learning Agility’, abbreviated LQ) and adaptability (also known as AQ or Adaptability Quotient) are two of the most important predictors of future success in the new world, a world in which the speed of knowledge acquisition is becoming more important than knowledge in itself.
Leadership in the digital world
We publish books on leadership (in the digital world) and on identifying and selecting talent, closely follow scientific research about our field, and provide guest lectures at clients, universities and business schools.
Beyond just ‘the usual suspects’ – Our office has extensive experience in creating complementary teams. We believe that diverse teams look at themes from different angles and thus come up with better founded solutions.
Increasing the chances of future success
Over the years we have gained in-depth insight into the design of selection processes. We know how leadership is transforming in the digital world and understand what characterizes future proof (agile) talent. We provide solutions to improve the prediction of future candidate success in order to positively impact the performance of our clients. If desired, we can use advanced digital resources, which are aimed at verifying and providing insight into sub-areas from the selection process (for example the Learning Agility Scan).
We would be pleased to discuss with you how we work and what our expertise can mean for your organisation in a personal and confidential conversation.
De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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De Boelelaan 32
1083 HJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 6 627 627
Mob: +31 (0)6 29 15 43 86
Email: info@devroedtenthierry.nl
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