Gabriëlle van HeterenSenior Consultant

Gabriëlle van Heteren is a Senior Consultant at De Vroedt & Thierry. After completing her pre-university education, Gabriëlle received a grant from Wittenberg University, Springfield Ohio, in the United States. She then studied Business Administration at Nyenrode Business University and Business Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 2018, Gabriëlle followed an additional Privacy Officer/ Data Protection Officer training.

Gabriëlle held an internship at the Consumer Research department of Albert Heijn (AHOLD Delhaize) and on completion of the Fortis Bank Management Traineeship, she subsequently worked as a Talent Management Officer at Fortis Bank Nederland. After the acquisition by ABN AMRO Bank, she worked as a Consultant Employability, Business Manager, and HR Business Consultant among others. In addition, Gabriëlle spent the last 15 years as a co-creator, researcher, and co-editor of books on (top) talent, leadership, and diversity for our company.

Gabriëlle’s vision
‘Talent in the right place is more crucial than ever in these times of rapid change. Making the right match requires a broader view than just looking mechanically at what someone has done in the past. It also requires making a match with the mission, culture, and team of the organisation in which the candidate will work. That requires customisation.

I take pleasure in delving into the context of the company and looking beyond knowledge and skills when selecting candidates. What drives the potential candidate, who is he/she, and does he/she fit in the relevant context? I think it is important that people have the opportunity to continue to grow and empower themselves at all times in their careers. I also believe in the importance of diversity in a broad sense – if a company is to continue to grow and innovate, diversity in terms of background and ideas within teams is of great importance. I like to take these aspects as well as my analytical mind, creativity, and curiosity into account in finding the right match.’

‘Talent is the currency of the new economy’, Liz Wiseman


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